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Haley 3 years ago The site is a Farken Scam, After giving my Credit Card details for Shoes they charged it twice no one replies to emails, had to Cancel credit cards. Over $ 300 USD. the police have their…


Howard 11 months ago We have used for several years now and even with all the changes on Instagram they still provide great quality services.


Tara 3 months ago I bought 2 different products, tested them both exactly according to the instructions, and achieved zero results for both of them. The conclusion is: The site is completely faked, this is definitely true for the proof…


Dennis 7 years ago I bought 50m rs gold eoc from them and got the gold within 10mins, their delivery speed is real fast, thank you guys!


Shante 6 months ago I order 1 package 1 month ago and had no response after the payment was collected but before my order, they would respond almost immediately. so this place even though it is under matropin "official" resellers…


Araceli 5 months ago I am a publisher running multiple blogs and forums. Buysellads was a platform I use to sell ad space. At first, it worked fine for me. I would get "Ads sold" email from them, and gave…


Noe 2 years ago I ordered the 12 week beginner cycle and received everything within 18 days after ordering. I am very happy. , Lillian 2 years ago they rip you off…stay away…i will be making a trip to instanbul…

Elijah 4 years ago Still waiting for items as of Oct 24, 2016 and no answer on phone number , Latonya 4 years ago Ordered on April24, 2016 and expected to wait but when I called, no one knew anything…