CAS Iberia

3 years ago

Purchased a short sword, was promised life time warranty. It broke after 2 years and now they say the warranty is only 1 year..even though it's their fault. They ground the sword really thin to fit the Sepa…exactly where it broke. They won't return emails..calls and have blocked me from social media, can't post anything to the fb page. They just ignore anything negative….shame on Cas I'll never support that company again. I sold tens of thousands worth of their swords when I worked for House Of Knives…I would have picked up the new apacokatana …IF they hadn't just ignored me


9 years ago

I sent them a mail with a question about there tactical katana
wich i bought i Never got any reply..onley tells me that they arent serious and that they dont give a dam about the costumers….
Never AGAIN will i buy another sword knife or whatelse they make..
..I think its rude of them
To you all who sees this msg BUY your sword knife or axes else where!!

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