163鈧?out of pocket!
Frustrated and annoyed 馃槨
He visto personas con c谩ncer m谩s 煤tiles que el personal de esta tienda. Una desgracia total donde su palabra favorita es NO. Entr茅 en esta tienda con 15,000 euros para gastar y nunca he experimentado una tienda que no est茅 interesada en ayudarlo o venderle un art铆culo. Es una buena tienda con productos, pero todo el personal necesita ser despedido de la Administraci贸n. Una desgracia total
We waited an hour. We phoned again. Apparently there isn't a Fernando that works there !! (Shock!!) We spoke to a.man.. who again had no idea… then he passed us on to.another woman. She was pleasant. But didn't know when we would receive the item and said we would have to wait 24 hours until she got an email from another department. Basically it's theft and fraud. To sell something they don't possess. There is no accountability, no one person to contact. We were passed from person to person. Next time we will buy from.ikea or amazon. Bad bad service!!!
Awful service. I should have used Media Market and probably will do once I get my money back!>
I would have given zero stars if that choice had been available.
Intent茅 comprar un nuevo televisor de Carrefour en l铆nea. Prometieron la entrega dentro de 5 a 7 d铆as. 隆Ahora tenemos doce d铆as y acabo de recibir un correo electr贸nico solicitando un n煤mero de tel茅fono alternativo! Mi direcci贸n en la factura es correcta y todos los dem谩s correos como DHL y UPS parecen encontrarme f谩cilmente. No puedo comunicarme ni con su l铆nea telef贸nica ni con su sitio web. Los correos electr贸nicos que les env铆o siguen siendo devueltos.
P茅simo servicio. 隆Deber铆a haber usado Media Market y probablemente lo har茅 una vez que recupere mi dinero!>
Hubiera dado cero estrellas si esa opci贸n hubiera estado disponible.
Cu谩l es el punto de hacer pedidos con dos semanas de antelaci贸n si no van a tener lo esencial. Ellos son grupo de riesgo y se van a exponer a salir porque necesitan lo que el pedido no trajo.
My very old parents had been waiting for the order of much needed things that they did not receive on the day it arrived.
What is the point of ordering two weeks in advance if you are not going to have the essentials. They are a risk group and are going to be exposed to leave because they need what the order did not bring.
Our mailbox is littered regularly with magazines/brochures of all the latest deals from Carrefour. I haven't shopped there for a while as I find them very expensive in comparison to Mercadona, Lidl, Aldi etc…
Anyway, the latest magazine was stuffed with amazing 2 for 1 offers and buy one get the second 50-70% off!!! Amazing I thought. We'd head down and do a big shop.
We enter Carrefour in Murcia and see the offers plastered all over the shelves. After more than 1 hour filling the trolley with these 2×1 offers and buy one get 50-70% off we get to the till. The lady clocks up the items. We placed all matching items together so we could watch the items cancel the second or discount the other item….. beep, beep, beep…. the number keeps going up and we get the final bill. 鈧?92 in total. About 鈧?0 more than we expected. We asked why the items had not been discounted and she replied that we had to be in the Club and that the refund would be credited to us by post in a few weeks to a month!!!!
So it wasn't 2×1 and it wasn't buy one get 50-70% off at all. It was a pay in full and we'll send you a credit note that you can only spend in Carrefour but not use against any promotions or offers.
Call it what you want, but this is a scam and just one of many ways Carrefour ripoff their customers.
The only satisfying part was taking all the items out of the trolley and placing them back at the till and walking away, cancelling the transaction.
Never again.
To my delight they had introduced several spaces with a bench or a couple of chairs throughout the store. It meant I could complete the shop with my husband, taking rests as needed. I spoke to several other people resting there and they were equally pleased.
Well done Carrefour, muchas gracias.
On another point we were hoping for an English speciality and asked an assistant. We speak Spanish but didn't know what this (mincemeat as in mincepies not carne picada) is in Spanish. They produced a translator and asked us to type in the words, then tried looking for pictures. So helpful.
And we were very pleased with the turkey and produce we bought as well!
Tengo dolor cr贸nico y dos pr贸tesis de cadera. Tendemos a evitar las grandes tiendas porque no hay d贸nde descansar. La semana pasada decidimos que realmente debemos visitar nuestro Carrefour local (Cala de Moral, nr M谩laga) para nuestro pavo y otras delicias navide帽as.
Para mi deleite, hab铆an introducido varios espacios con un banco o un par de sillas en toda la tienda. Significaba que pod铆a completar la tienda con mi esposo, descansando seg煤n fuera necesario. Habl茅 con otras personas que descansaban all铆 y estaban igualmente complacidos.
Bien Carrefour, muchas gracias.
En otro punto, esper谩bamos una especialidad en ingl茅s y le preguntamos a un asistente. Hablamos espa帽ol pero no sab铆a qu茅 es esto ( como en mincepies no carne picada) en espa帽ol. Produjeron un traductor y nos pidieron que escribi茅ramos las palabras, luego intentaron buscar im谩genes. Muy 煤til
隆Y tambi茅n estuvimos muy satisfechos con el pavo y los productos que compramos!
In May we bought a coffee machine on Carrefour's website for delivery to our Mallorca residence.
We have never received the coffee machine, we have tried to write to Carrefour several times, they simply refer to the transport company which is impossible to contact.
Carrefour has deducted the amount for the coffee machine in our account.
Recently, a Spanish friend tried to contact Carrefour, Mallorca, without result.
We must strongly advise others not to shop on Carrefour's website.
Google translate:
Somos ciudadanos daneses que vivimos en Cala Dor, Mallorca.
En mayo compramos una m谩quina de caf茅 en el sitio web de Carrefour para enviarla a nuestra residencia en Mallorca.
Nunca hemos recibido la m谩quina de caf茅, hemos tratado de escribirle a Carrefour varias veces, simplemente se refieren a la empresa de transporte a la que es imposible contactar.
Carrefour ha deducido la cantidad de la m谩quina de caf茅 en nuestra cuenta.
Recientemente, un amigo espa帽ol intent贸 contactar a Carrefour, Mallorca, sin resultado.
Debemos recomendar a otros que no compren en el sitio web de Carrefour.
Pas茅 por el procedimiento para devolverlo y me informaron que pod铆a devolverlo a cualquier hiperstore de Carrefour. Intent茅 devolverlo a Carrefour Torrevieja y se negaron a aceptarlo a pesar de ser la pol铆tica de Carrefour que tienen que hacer.
Durante 2 meses he estado llamando constantemente al servicio de atenci贸n al cliente de Carrefour con algunas llamadas que duraron m谩s de una hora y cada vez me informan que alguien se pondr谩 en contacto conmigo dentro de las 24 horas para organizar la recolecci贸n, pero nadie lo hace.
Despu茅s de semanas de hablar con el servicio de atenci贸n al cliente, finalmente habl茅 con alguien que intent贸 ayudar, se contactaron con la compa帽铆a de entrega directa y organizaron la recolecci贸n para el viernes 17 de mayo. Tom茅 el d铆a de trabajo y esper茅 todo el d铆a. Nunca vinieron a coleccionar.
Estoy atascado con el ordenador equivocada y parece que una vez que Carrefour obtiene tu dinero ya no se preocupan por ti. El peor servicio al cliente con el que me he ocupado.
I bought a computer online from Carrefour, it arrived late and it was not the computer I ordered.
I went through the procedure to return it and was informed I could take it back to any Carrefour hyperstore so I took it too Carrefour Torrevieja who refused to accept it despite it being Carrefour policy that they have to.
For 2 months I have been constantly ringing carrefour customer service with some calls lasting over an hour and every time they inform me that someone will contact me within 24 hours to arrange collection but nobody ever does.
After weeks of speaking to customer service I finally spoke to someone who tried to help, they contacted the delivery company direct and arranged collection for Friday 17th of May. I took the day of work and waited in all day. They never came to collect.
I am stuck with the wrong computer and it seems like once carrefour get your money they don`t care about you anymore. Worst customer service I have ever dealt with.
Thank you Carrefour!!! Never order anything online from this company
Me: When will it be delivered?
Them: I don't know. The transport company will call you to arrange delivery.
Me: But I've bought it from you and it's late. It's your responsibility.
We went back and forth with this for a while, the discussion got more heated thereafter and I got precisely nowhere.
Friday: no fridge. I emailed, no reply.
Monday: no fridge by midday. I emailed, no reply. So I went on Live Chat and banged my head against the Carrefour brick wall for 45 minutes. They were able to contact the transport company, whose details they refused to release for data protection reasons, and advised me that delivery would be Monday or Tuesday – 'Tuesday is no good to me, I'll be out', I said. 'Please make it today'. 'The driver will call you', they said. 'But I need to know; you've let me down', I said. We went back and forth like that for ages during which they did not answer any of my questions; they just kept reiterating that the driver would call me.
Then I asked for a refund of the 29 euros delivery charge. They offered me a coupon to spend on my next online order. What an insult. Furious and shaking with rage by now: 'I won't be ordering ever again', I said. 'I want my money back'. 'You can ask for your money back after delivery and your request will be passed to the relevant department', they said, but did not confirm that I would receive a refund. Me: 'But nothing will change. The delivery is delayed – it's already 6 days instead of 3, and no guarantee that it won't be longer. And you lied at the point of order by offering 3-day delivery, then the confirmation, after payment had been made, stated Estimated Delivery: 3 days'. Them: 'We reiterate …' It was like communicating with a robot who had a set script from which it could not deviate.
On Live Chat most companies provide a transcript of the conversation, but not Carrefour, which is unfortunate as I'd have liked to take it to ACUDE to support my complaint.
I very rarely get angry, but this total lack of customer care made me very very angry indeed. I will never again set foot in a Carrefour store or shop with them online. I'll shop where people care about their clients, which is just about anywhere but Carrefour and I'm now bracing myself to ask for my delivery charge refund, but the order is still showing as 'on the way' so no doubt I'd be wasting my time until they finally get round to updating the web site.
(a quick update in English): On their defence they responded to my complaints in one nanosecond (and in a very positive and apologetic way). Really impressed by that. Move to 2 starts now