
1 year ago

Openly using prison slave labour and reframing it as ethical, sustainable and "empowering to women". Nothing progressive about this company.
OPENLY admitting not paying the working women enough. Not providing opportunities for the incarcerated women, when (or if) they eventually get out of prison. This work model does not help women get out of crime, in fact it is based upon them returning to prisons!
Just as unethical as the whole textile industry itself mixed with white savourism. This is vile and upsetting! Do not support this company. These clothes are not worth a penny!

Dette firma brander 氓bent sig selv p氓 at bruge slavearbejde i f忙ngsler i Peru og Thailand. Der er intet progressivt ved dette firma! De indr酶mmer 脜BENT at de betaler de indsatte kvinder en meget lille sum i forhold til salgspris. De fordrer ikke arbejdsmuligheder for kvinderne, n氓r (eller hvis) de kommer ud af f忙ngslerne. Faktisk er hele denne arbejdsmodel baseret p氓, at kvinderne skal vende tilbage til f忙ngslerne!
Dette er dybt uetisk og stinker af "white savourism". St酶t ikke dette firma, deres t酶j er ikke en krone v忙rd.


1 year ago

Carcel takes advantage of impoverished women in the Global South for profit. Their entire business model is based on women continuously going to prison, in other words, it's dependent on the continuous incarceration and impoverishment of women. It's exploiting human beings. Take your money elsewhere.


1 year ago

Pigs. Exploiting incarcerated women! Modern slavery!


1 year ago

A woman who is a prisoner is not an employee. This is exploitation.

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