8 months ago
When I bought the Gangway, the website showed that the gangway weighs 9.5 kg including teak.
It appears from the offer, that the weight of the gangway including teak is 9.0 kg.
The correspondence I have had regarding my ordering of the gangway does not indicate that the gangway weighs more than 9.0 kg.
It appears from the offer, that the weight of the gangway including teak is 9.0 kg.
The correspondence I have had regarding my ordering of the gangway does not indicate that the gangway weighs more than 9.0 kg.
I clearly expected the gangway to weigh 9 kg.
I have not had a chance to know that Carbogale is submitting a gangway weighing 14 kg, which is 50% more than specified – that is the fact.
It is clear that I am misinformed and therefore the purchase of the gangway is made on misleading information.
I returned the gangway to Carbogale in the fall of 2019, but Carbogale still has not provided me with a gangway that meets the specifications and Carbogale will not refund my purchase.
Beware !