
5 years ago

I had many problems to end rental, SOS call service fitted in the car does not work, but they still charge the minutes that I have not used the car, so I had to waste a lot of time to contact them and get my money back.The last time I tried to park the car but the computer said no receiving signal, I had to find another place to park, I tried it in 2 different places but I had the same problem, I could not end of rental and could not lock the car, so I make a stop at a reserved parking space to use my phone and call the customer service, After that I could not use the car because the system was blocked, Car2go now claims me to pay a parking ticket reserved 610kr , that day I wasted a lot of time and 610kr because of system failures car,I never will use these cars


5 years ago

When I created my account with there was a promo 0kr startup fee. Then they want me to verify my driving licence in person in their office. I cannot do that because they have only 1 office and the location does not fit me, thus I cannot verify my driving licence.

So after some time I go inside the Copenhagen central station and I see those guys promoting and at the same time. Then they tell me I can activate the driving licence in a shop. So I go to the shop on Vesterbrogade and verify the driving licence.

Then I receive a 200kr bill for .. "Validation fee, including car2go membercard". Now, there are 2 problems with this:

1. When verifying my driving licence, nobody told me about this fee
2. When I signed up such fee was not mentioned anywhere

I asked for explanation and refund, and after 5 days of waiting for their response, they refused. I mean, 5 days waiting time for support.. which year are we living in?!

On top of that, I think they charged me much more minutes for my first trip in their cars.

I am never using their services again, you should avoid too..

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