1 year ago

Ratings are not for you to add your personal view on an organization. It is to inform other people as to whether a site is safe, that is, informs people of their organization and does not take personal information without one's knowledge. If it has adult or pornographic images then it should be noted. If you don't believe in alternative medicine, it does not make the organization less safe, but if you have factual information regarding their program, then it should be shared. Remember most people coming here are usually terminal or told there is no further treatment. It is not unusual for someone to choose holistic/alternative medicine. That does not make it wrong.
In viewing the web page, it represents the organization it is supposed to represent, and does not seem to redirect people to a different website. As to whether I agree with their approach or methodologies, that is for a different site. I am not a doctor and would not tell someone else to not use a particular approach in handling their life threatening disease.


5 years ago

I find it ironic that there is so much hate directed at naturopathic & "alternative" medicine when primal forms of these practices are the ONLY reason why modern-day medicine exists. Remove these elements from history, no matter how much a person hates or doesn't want to acknowledge it, & you can just omit modern science / pharmacology from existence. All modern medicine is, is a synthesized form of "alternative medicine". I suggest that people actually try reading books, than automatically believe mainstream media, etc.. Take virtually any form of medicine that's been around longer than 50 years & you'll likely find that it came from an herb or some other natural form. The point is, that what works for one person may not for another, & opinions of natural medicine shouldn't be so biased. It's hateful & disrespectful. From another perspective, it's like hatefully / aggressively stating that the 100% guaranteed way to ensure a person will NEVER be killed in a vehicle accident is to wear a seat belt. While there are numerous reports of seat belts saving lives, there are ALSO many reports of victims who couldn't have survived the accident if they HAD been wearing their belt. Bottom line? How do you "prove" that one method works better than another simply because it didn't work for you, or even for others. There may be numerous "statistics" that state alt meds are bad, but there are just as many SCIENTIFIC (documented / case study) evidence against pharma. Just because "mainstream" promotes that alternative medicine is "evil" doesn't make it so… & for every person that claims that those who follow or practice alternative medicine hate or put down pharmaceuticals / science medicine, the same applies in reverse… & those who deny this are simply idiots &/or bigots.

As for my story….. I use to have a VERY serious medical condition that I had spent YEARS trying to have medically treated; via specialists, hospitals, treatment centers, etc.. (& I have the records to prove it). After trying virtually everything, between the advice given to me by CTCA (& a couple other alternative med practitioners), my condition was identified & finally treated. Point is, I did NOT use alternative medicine first, but it turned out being ineffective in what I needed. CTCA offered me alternative answers, & those turned out being what I needed. The ONLY reason this site / organization wouldn't have a higher rating is because of people getting on here making ratings / claims without having actually visited this center, or due to their own opinions about alternative medicine. Both practices (pharma & alt med) should be embraced as both having their own place in the healthcare field.

On a personal note, I must say that I like the "side effects" of alt meds better than the meds I was on before. The side effect of the regiment I'm on now is that I have to use the restroom a little more often than I used to (& not in a bad way). The side effects of the drugs I was on before was increased risk of heart disease &/or stroke, liver / pancreas / kidney (or other "gut" organ) failure, back pain, blindness, confusion / dizziness, irritibility, nausea, blood in urine or stools, vomiting & seizures. Yes……. those side effects sound MUCH better than what I was being treated for, when I started an alt med regiment.


6 years ago

This site is great for those that suffer from cancer. I've heard many glowing reports about the facilities and am about ready to recommend them to someone that currently has lung cancer.. No way can this be controversial, as he has already been told that nothing can be done for him, except to make him comfortable.

Most of us that follow alternative medicine, knows that cancer can be cured! Not going to go into how it can be cured, but the evidence is overwhelming. While conventional allopathic medicine basically throws up their hands when it comes to anything not connected with conventional medicine.

So let the naysayers condemn anything not of allopathic medicine and I hope they also suffer from cancer in time. Then, they will sing a different song.


6 years ago

There is nothing wrong with this site. This is a perfectly safe site. I have personally been dealing with them and I find no reason why this site should be labeled other than "safe", "trustworthy", and "suitable".


6 years ago

I know these people. They are the real deal!


6 years ago

I really think WOT should read comments before accepting a user's rating. This is a perfect example of why many tech sites now dismiss WOT as being ineffective. It appears that ALL of the 'dangerous warnings' are from people who know NOTHING about Cancer Treatment Centers of America and never had any experience with their centers. ALL OF THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER A WEBSITE IS SAFE TO VISIT, which is what WOT's purpose is supposed to be! People who are rating a website on content they don't agree with and not on whether a site either tracks you, contains malware, hijacks your browser, etc. should leave their comments at those particular websites and not use WOT, as this is not the intent of WOT. WOT's OWN instructions tells people to give evidence or examples and to comment on their real experiences. Based on your own guidelines, you (WOT) should remove most people's ratings regarding this site, which would give it the appropriate 'trusted' rating.


6 years ago

It just amazes me that people who have absolutely NO experience in the field of Natural Medicine feel that they are authorities on the subject. Natural Medicine has been in use since the dawn of man and still is in most of the countries in the world today. If Homeopathy wasn't effective it certainly would not be offered in the hospitals in India right along side the Alopathic methods. No government, especially a poor one, would invest limited resources on a healthcare method that does not work,… and work well! I have been cured of cancer, pneumonia, high cholesterol, and the flu, using nothing but natural means.

Sorry, all you big pharma puppets, but the wave of the future is here now,.. people going back to natural, non-toxic ways of allowing the body to heal it's self. Your gravy train of lifelong patient drug usage is ending.
This is a good sight.


6 years ago

It is a Christian-faith-based clinic. Jesus is the healer of broken heatred i beleive faith and psychological treatment are both needed to help us get healed deeply anc completly.


6 years ago

As a patient of 5 years, as well as being an RN, I trust the staff of CTCA more than I ever thought possible. I left the care of a highly acclaimed cancer hospital in GA to travel to CTCA, and found their care to be exceptional in every way. Now cancer-free, I will travel for my follow-ups and mammograms yearly. The care is top-notch, research-based, cutting edge… and compassionate. Somehow, they manage to hire the most highly-skilled, as well as friendly and caring staff. Their commercials simply can not do justice. This place is absolutely amazing.

After reading other reviews, I see that none seem to be from patients. I was treated first by my oncologist and onco-surgeon. I had traditional chemotherapy. I had oral chemo additionally, as an extra step few hospitals do. I had surgery. I saw a naturopath for supplements such as curcumin. From the Mayo Clinic: " research suggests that curcumin may prevent cancer, slow the spread of cancer, make chemotherapy more effective and protect healthy cells from damage by radiation therapy. Curcumin is being studied for use in many types of cancer." Low cost, no side affects, and it was suggested to be used WITH chemo. What a win-win!

Acupuncture is available, for sleep, pain relief, etc. Massage is also available. So is a low cost manicure or a haircut. None of these are for cancer treatment. There really is almost no cost and absolutely no obligation to get a second opinion.

The vast majority of patients have started treatment "at home," and enthusiastically travel for the care that CTCA provides.


6 years ago

I enjoyed their perspective on both traditional and complementary forms of treatment.


7 years ago

From a cancer survivor, I would say that the mix of modern medicine, Chinese medicine, and other alternative medical approaches as well as stress relief, etc., are valuable in the personal battle with a devastating disease. I am sickened by the commentators on WOT that are attacking this institution with no apparent experience with the disease or its treatment.


7 years ago

Dubious claims are rampant on this site. They promote fringe medicine that has been shown to be ineffective or downright dangerous in place of conventional treatments. The information on this site has potential to harm others.


7 years ago

This site has questionable content because it gives no research on what they claim. It includes clinical trials as part of their services and uses and mixes medical terms with holistic terms which can make people think they work as well.


8 years ago

Good information about cancer.


10 years ago

Cited by the US Government as claiming cures for cancer where none exist, the promotional methodologies of the Cancer Care Centers still intimate their capabilities as superior when they're average. With a quarter million dollar entry fee, care should be taken in selecting their regimens over others.

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