3 months ago
I have yet to be disappointed with CFP articles. CFP says it like it is. Judy Mcloid writes with conviction and will stand her ground when necessary.
10 months ago
Went on site for the first time. These nuts are fueling the conspiracy theories about the coronavirus – claiming that Fauci is trying to undermine the government, when the man has worked for both political parties, and just generally trying to stir up the lunatic fringe. Not 'press' at all – more like a hack rag.
2 years ago
100% Russian propaganda. Everything this website publishes is 100% in line with what the Russian owned media says.
3 years ago
There are several regulars on on this site that can and do get away with cruel comments.
So, if you're into banality, go there. Sweet dreams.
So, if you're into banality, go there. Sweet dreams.
7 years ago
Canada Free Press is a conservative leaning political commentary site with a Christian bent. They are very accessible for comments and feedback. They'll even email you back when you have input to give.
7 years ago
This is a conservative news site. Unfortunately that leads some to rate it poorly because it "target the obama administration" and is "conservative propaganda". You are free to disagree with the site but that does not make them racist or hateful. If it did there should be a lot of red ink over all the sites that slammed GWB for eight years. It is called Freedom of Speech.
8 years ago
they should have "excellent" as a category. this site is exceleent.
9 years ago
10 years ago
Awesome news site
11 years ago
Excellent site for news and info
11 years ago
Excellent site for news and info