Canada Newark

6 months ago

Website is broken, service center is a sham and impossible to reach (phone & chat — phone numbers given go to wrong departments, etc.), RMA system/mailer is broken.

I tried reaching out multiple time to help them fix several bugs on their website, and received no response (or was simply unable to actually communicate with them as their platform is so broken).

Tried for a week to submit an RMA for faulty product that was given, glad we did a trial order as there seems to be NO way to return anything or ever get refunded.

In case someone from Mewark actually reads this, very briefly are the website bugs below:
website bugs:
(a) Submitting Return RMA request:
Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): No route to host in /nfs/c06/h06/mnt/93088/domains/ html/ nwp-forms/ returnProduct3.php on line 3 Could not connect to host

(b) Checkout:
delayed tax updates (when start checkout then return to order and change Q, the tax from previous Q will remain and either OVERbill or UNDERbill the customer on HST depending if they raised/lowered the quantity)

(c) Order details:
Shows incorrect billed amount in order detail (but billing/invoice was still correct seemingly — confusing misinformation/inconsistency in data)

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