
6 months ago

A very mixed bag! Unfortunately, there appears to be a trend with motorcycle riding schools in that they tend to employ ex-services / forces personnel. What this means is despite being in your mid 30s you will be spoken to like you are a 17-year-old recruit. I.e. prepare to be sworn at and at times shown very little respect. This would not be acceptable in any other services industry, and it certainly felt that the fact I was paying for a service was lost on them.

The standard of tuition varied considerably with each instructor. One day you would have a lot of input and feedback around technical aspects of your riding and how to improve. Other days you would just get "why are you doing that!" One-way radios are also an issue, particularly when you can't hear what is being said and can't ask instructors to repeat themselves.

I'm confident that the only reason I passed was because I was riding a bike for 4 days straight and with enough practise, you'd get it anyway. Having days where the only instruction was "turn your f'ing indicator off" had very little to do with it.

My DAS course took place in Werrington Peterborough.

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