
6 years ago

It took me longer (55 mins)!to travel 1.9 miles from Cambridge Railway station to home using the so called public transport a journey of just 1.9 miles than it did to get from London bridge to Cambridge!! In fact I could have walked home quicker. Having checked the bus time table on line for the no 7 bus which I was told left from bus stop 3. However there are bus stops 5,6,7,8 but not a 3. In the end I found out that no 7 leaves from a non numbered bus stop. Also a stop where the electronic signs have been taken down so I had no idea having missed the first bus I could catch the second bus was 15 mins late. Apart from the nightmare of Cambridge traffic one has to endure at 6pm getting home from the station on a normal day, I was also intrigued that on my extended road trip the no7 route visits a number of different places and stops contray to what the council say on their website!!!

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