10 years ago
Caltrain is the only real way to take public transportation from the southbay to SF since BART doesn't go down that far. People ask me all the time as a doctor how they can avoid getting sick taking public transportation and what I always say is never touch anything with your hands…doorknobs, railing, etc. Use a glove or the end of a shirt …those saniwipes don't do much so it is better not to bother with those things and avoid contact with the railings that everyone else touches. The bike cars are the ones that have the least amount of people who could have colds/flus as if they are taking their bike the odds are they are not sick, so that is the car I sit in. The only big drawback of Caltrain is that they decided against giving us public free wifi on board and have tabled that idea until the future. Until then you have to bring you own wifi on board with you but expect to lose connection now and then as you go through dead areas.