5 years ago

amazing #calorie counting tool it helped me a lot on loosing weight


6 years ago

The site actually has some better than usual diet advice- however it is something of a privacy risk.

If you read their privacy policy they do sell your data. What if this got into the hands of your health insurance company, your employer…? If you click on their partners list it does include health insurance companies.

It isn't just this site- it is the whole information age. People need to think before broadcasting their data.


8 years ago

very useful and informative if you are ready to lose that Christmas weight lol 🙂


8 years ago

Site about diet and weight loss.


8 years ago

Lots of great information on diets and stuff like that.


8 years ago

Nice place to get calorie counts for different foods, including restaurants.


11 years ago

This site has extremely accurate nutrition and exercise information compiled and reviewed by registered dietitians and athletic trainers. It also has a nice social aspect to it.

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