
4 years ago

I have avoided posting about my success because I have lost and gained so much weight in my life, but I finally feel confident I can do this thing. I have tried every weight loss gimick and health shake there is. I lost 17 pounds but the weight was not coming off fast enough though because I was not excercising. I found out I was pre-diabetic so I had to do something. I took my chiropractors advice and started working out at Calhoun Spine and Wellness Center with Dr. Derrick and Katie Tilley Derrick. I follow their food plan and work out three times a week with Dorian L. Johnson (uh!!!!). In 5 months I have lost 35 pounds, I am no longer pre-diabetic, 3 sizes smaller; but best of all, My doctor took me off my cholesterol, blood pressure and thyroid medicine. I am so proud of myself…..but I am not done. I have 30 more pounds to go and many more excercise sessions with Dorian. Who wants to be thin, I want to be strong!!! I could not have done it without you guys. You have saved my life!!!
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