3 years ago
lost money ordering from calbess.com/boots, got scammed. I get emails from someone claiming my boots shipped with tracking number the then another saying boots out of stock choose something else from calbess.com/boots but website has been taken down, so now I'm trying to get my money back. I sent an email asking to cancel my order and issue me a full refund, but no response.
3 years ago
Googled best price on UGG boots. First website popup, Boot Factory advertising boots 69.00 (100.00 CHEAPER). I entered my credit card and submitted order. I did not get a receipt or confirmation on my order. Called the customer service number on listed on the website which belonged to another company. This other company said their phone number was being used and they had no record of my order. Was told to report as people were getting slammed. I did received an email with a phony transaction summary with the incorrect charge. There are several of these cheap boot websites that are very similar.