If you have some skill at reading the elaborately stylized lettering that surrounds the golden medallion in the center, you can find four names of the artists in the "crew": Dose (upper left); 6Cents (upper right and part of the FAB Crew who founded the SubSurface annual event); Sacred 317 (lower left and co-founder/member of FAB Crew); and Detour (lower right).
I struggle to be able to read the stylized writing, but once I know what it says, I can usually find the letters.
I am glad that Indy had an event like this to bring life and color into areas of town that were struggling with crime/vandalism. I am a firm believer that murals that require talent are the best deterrent to tagging as a matter of respect. No statistics to prove it, but the visual continuity of these murals is much more pleasing for me as a visitor to the neighborhoods.
Review #1875