4 years ago

Good Site. Safe for Kids.

They have a facebook page with 1,397,130 followers at

They have a twitter account with 91,000 followers at

They have a youtube channel with 24,355 subscribers at

This website represents Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Ste 102
Springfield, VA 22151

There phone number is 703-321-8585


7 years ago

A political site with an agenda. May be appropriate as educational material for children under parental supervision.

* * * * * * * START POLITICAL COMMENTS * * * * * * *

As long as this site seems to be used as a forum, I believe that all federal laws, rules, regulations, etc about the ownership and carry of firearms and arms in general are unconstitutional. What part of "The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." do you not understand?

The word "militia" bothering you? Under federal law, everyone between the ages of eighteen and forty-five are members of the federal militia. Would you undermine the security of the state by disarming militia members?

The founding fathers knew that well armed people was the best possible way to peace. Not only for security in case of invasion, but also for domestic security. Historically, people have been killing each other since before history was even recorded. If everyone were armed, they would think twice about trying to use a weapon where weapons are common. The vast majority of people are competent enough to prevent accidents and are sane enough not to use weapons in a way that would injure an innocent bystander.

The possession of firearms by people have saved more lives than they have taken. Sandy Hook and copy-cat incidents would have turned out much differently if all of the school's employees were required to carry firearms and to be trained in the use of the firearms that they carry.

Banning military style guns is like banning all Ford vehicles because they are involved in a majority of all motor vehicle injuries and deaths when driven by drivers under the influence of intoxicants.

If you wish to ban weapons, repeal the Constitution of the United States of America. It has been ignored in the past as well as the present for the convenience of legislators that want to erode the constitutional privilege of the people [peons, lower class, not wealthy enough to matter]. Did you not notice that those wealthy enough to matter are not adversely effected by any of the unconstitutional legislation?

Banning guns is all about making it easier to enslave people. It was that way in the past just as much as it is now. Those that want to ban guns are wanting unarmed and easily intimidated people to rule, rob, and otherwise personally benefit from their support of the criminals that want easy marks to rob.

* * * * * * * END POLITICAL COMMENTS * * * * * * *

To the site administrator: you may remove my political comments if you do the same to everyone else.


7 years ago

Highly moral organization being downrated by ignorant opinionated people.

Certain ( Mindless ) people will debate that the 2 Amendment is "outdated" and should be regulated more simply don't get how Important it is, and how encouraged it was by our founding fathers. In their own words:

( I made sure to use real quotes considering false ones are being used for both pro and anti-gun groups )

""Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation,… in the several kingdoms of Europe,… the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." James Madison, The Federalist Papers # 46.

( OR )

"The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us." Patrick Henry, "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" speech delivered on March 23, 1775.

( OR )

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes….Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. Thomas Jefferson's "Commonplace Book," 1774-1776, quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria in Chapter 40 of "On Crimes and Punishment", 1764. Chapter. Whole Book.


8 years ago

Second Amendment Supporters


10 years ago

No-Compromise 2nd Amendment advocates


11 years ago

They have firm principals, no compromise, unlike the NRA

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