Illuminati Symbols

1 month ago



1 month ago

This site is very clear respect secret societies or the way how we can check a secret organization identifying the symbology and the other different manifestations.
They reveal the symbols that you'd have never imagined for a secret organization.
Obviously, the majority of things there, are more superstition than reality.

If you wanna have fun, Fully Recommended!


4 years ago

This is one of the most entertaining sites on the internet.They reveal some symbols you would have never guessed are associated with the Illuminati.They also go all out in naming names,some of which will shock you out of your chair.Its some of the most entertaining reads I've enjoyed in a long while


4 years ago

Website with straightforward Illuminati Symbolism – pictures and captions – that's all. Identifies some of the bigger pieces of trash on the planet.

Names names and captures key Illuminati/Saturnism participants in the act, including fools like: Jay Z, Mickey Mouse, Kanye, Obama, Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Goofy, Stalin, Ahmadinajad, Merkel and dozens more from other 'fields.' Also included is Michael Jackson, who perhaps became disenchanted with 'his contract.' Everything was fine for him while he posed like the ram though.

Site is categorized by:
1. Hand Symbols
2. Politicians
3. Logos
4. Cartoons, Movies, Music
5. Celebrities

* All the people named are also named by HUNDREDS of other sources too. The list includes people from all races and 'religions.'

* Baphomet appears to be their vehicle of choice. The Ram Head, which according to some, is a nebula that was once visible to Earth People. Also, Rams reversed = Mars, which is NOT an accident. David Icke, Reptilian Conspiracy fame, states that Mystery Babylon came from Mars before the flood of 4,000 BC (though many sources say the flood was in 10,000 BC, 4,000 BC was a 'light flood'). The Talmud, which is the source of our Uniform Commercial Code, would therefore, comes from Mars…
(caution before reading these links, paradigm testers, so best not to have one)

*Website seems righteous, admits they do not know the origin of the 'All Seeing Eye.' Figure that one out and it might unlock the Front Door. Here are 3 it might be, in order of likelihood, imho (recap of earlier reviews).

1. Egyptian Cult of Bastet (Personification of a god). She was the daughter of Ray, which happens to be another name for Semiramis, who was not only the wife of the Babylonian Nimrod, but also named as the 'Holy Spirit,' which Rome calls, 'Mary.' Same character as the Starbuck's Mermaid and the STAR (STUR = Saturn) of the Disney remake, Star Wars (which got a 1-stur rating from me for that reason and more). Nimrod was also known as 'Saturn.' Old civilizations had the same gods, so it looks. Semiramis is also the 'Ether' in Kabala and the Plasma Dark Matter all around us. Rhea is also the wife of Kronos in Greek myth and, of course, Kronos is Saturn, again. Ancient civilizations were observing the Trinity. (this site also talks about the 'creation of Mohamed,' to kill/displace Jews (no disrespect intended to Islam, we've all been duped. Info matches 'A True Ott's website- also reviewed). Mohamed's god is/was Semiramis, aka Allah and specifically, Saturn's North Pole.

2. Catastrophism: Mars, Venus and Saturn aligned in the sky to form an image resembling 'an all seeing eye.' Many are aboard this ship now.

3. The North Pole of Saturn. Cassini… NASA… Saturn's N. Pole is more associated with the Star of David, Stur of David? Saturn, Saturn Saturn, everywhere Saturn.

4. South Pole of Saturn looks like an elephant eye. Probably it.

* Ancients said, DO NOT WORSHIP SATURN!

Great website, had fun with it. 5 Stars Easy.

***Coming from a YT Channel guy's video: So, if all commerce originates from Mars, does that mean that all commerce will one day be under the authority of 1 Store, say something like Walmart, which when reversed is RAM LAW? Law of Mars = Talmudic Law = Babylonian Law?

Info for this review came from many of the other reviews – perhaps 20.

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