About a year ago I ordered a system from Hair Direct who promised above many other things (but most importantly) an invisible and perfectly natural hairline. Being that I have worn hair systems for some 12 years, I know how a natural hairline is achieved. The most important thing is that you do not have black knots coming from a white scalp. That is a dead give away and besides looking like a bad hair system it can also look like a really bad hair transplant with a noticeable black line of demarkation as a hairline!!! This of course totally defeats the purpose of wearing hair at all. On their order form Hair Direct asked if bleached knots were required. Well, yes they are but they were not supplied. Hair Direct promised a totally natural and undetectable hairline. They supplied neither one.
I waited a year for quality to improve. I fully expected that it would. I was wrong- quality continued to get worse.