
4 years ago

New Grindrod Valve Amplification has done it again, this time under his own name

Steve Grindrod is probably the greatest and most accomplished valve and solid state guitar amplifier designer in the world.

His NEW Grindrod Pendragon series were seen and heard recently at the Winter NAMM show 2016.

Steve Grindrod has been designing guitar amplifiers since the mid-1970s such as the Marshall JCM 800, Silver Jubilee, JCM900, ValveState 80, JCM2000, the Vox Custom Classic, Heritage AC15s and AC30s.

For over 40 years鈥?musicians all over the world searching for perfect tone have used amplifiers designed by Steve Grindrod.

Steve Grindrod believes his NEW PENDRAGON Guitar amplifier series are his best ever creations.

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