Grey Pages

10 months ago

This phony database is a source of names and numbers for scammers to use in their efforts to defraud the populace.


1 year ago

Do not know where they get their info, but after finding out my initial search was incorrect I did like other reviewers and searched my number which I have had for nearly two decades only to see wrong name and location. Oh but wanted to help me out and let me claim the number and correct info… well no thanks I get too many scam calls now already. No sense adding me to just another list!!


2 years ago

The numbers and names are complete hogwash (just try entering your own number). Another site that exists only to turn legitimate searches into illegitimate web traffic.


2 years ago

grey-pages dot com

This is supposed to give you the name and address for anyone based on the phone number – a reverse lookup. I put in several that I knew and it returned complete nonsense. These were numbers owned by one person for 6 or 10 years.

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