Green Claim

6 months ago

Good service


8 months ago

it takes a while but results are achieved


1 year ago

Very long service (took 1 year!) and had to follow up a lot, but happy the service was successful.


1 year ago

Fast and accurate


1 year ago

Great service and really reliable. Would recommend Greenclaim to everyone. Also worked with other flightclaim companies and Greenclaim is by far the best in terms of service, reliability and costs. Thanks!


1 year ago

It was easy to do the claim with Green claim


1 year ago

Well done Green Claim


1 year ago

very good I will share it with my friends.


1 year ago

Great help throughout


2 years ago

Geachte luchtvaartmaatschappijen,

Krijgt u brieven van Green Claim die namens hun clienten u sommeren te betalen, niet doen, volhouden en niet betalen. Tot een daadwerkelijke rechtszaak zal het niet leiden.
Mijn claim/dossier wordt, door het weigeren van de luchtvaartmaatschappij, met als reden dat de zaak niet gewonnen zal kunnen worden, gesloten. Mijn claim is rechttoe rechtaan en jurisprudentie laat zien dat soortgelijke zaken wel worden gewonnen. Eerlijk is eerlijk: communicatie vanuit Green Claim is zeer netjes en professioneel; de 鈥淐laim鈥?op de website dat ze alles er aan zullen doen om de claim te verhalen is niet waar, dan is tijd en geld wat telt.

Wees gewaarschuwd of doe er uw voordeel mee

Dear Airliners,

When or if you get letters from Green Claim requesting you to pay for a delay their customers had, do not pay and persist in not paying, as they will not follow through with taking you to court.
My claim, is dismissed by Green Claim because they foresee that it will not hold in court. This claim, my claim, is a straight forward case where jurisprudence shows similar cases were decided against the airline.
To be fair Green Claims communication is decent and professional; the claim that they will do everything in their power to follow through is just not true.

Be aware or take advantage.

In reactie op antwoord van Green Claim:

The arguments in your answer are not true or irrelevant. It is not a missed connection claim, the whole trip was offered by Swiss. That Swiss is not a EU airline is irrelevant as the delay happened at Schiphol, the Netherlands.

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