3 years ago

I may be sure it will be very good to be real for me I may say it isd a perfect time to be honestly it is the best time for me but I prefer to hid this and be a bit serious


6 years ago

They changed there domain name to and it is also a scam


6 years ago

Through my personal experience with goto ID, and so many others, this website is a scam. They also run a UK review website that has reviews about goto id. This is also fake. It's run by them to make innocent people like us feel safe sending them money. It's hard to tell a fake review written by them from a real one. I can tell you, I am a real person who just doesn't want anyone else falling for what i, and so many others have fallen for. If its not too late you can intercept your payment by going to local post office and requesting to do so. I will be reporting this website to local FBI as I have solid proof that it is a scam. Good luck, and please do not buy a fake id on line. 99.9% chance it is a scam.

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