
7 months ago

We have bought 3 phones from this company and 2 of these phones were refurbished and 1 was dead on arrival and they do not want to recognize or refund. They listed these phones as new. Going to do a chargeback to my CC


7 months ago

Do not purchase anything from Gotalk. They sell you refurbished phones as new and then dont even answer you or refund your order. Thieves


11 months ago

These guys suck.. I ordered 2 phones from them and I noticed it hadnt been shipped after a week so I reached out to see what was going on and they told me my order will be processed shortly and to look for the tracking later. So now a week and a half has passed I send a message asking what is the tracking to my orders and I'm met with a message that read: " Hi Thank you for your email. Im afraid this item is listed as out of stock. Would you like the order upgraded to the KEY2 at the extra cost? Please advise if you want to proceed or have it cancelled. Kind Regards Go Talk" what the heck kinda company are these guys running

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