The tags were shipped promptly and arrived in 4-5 days. My information was transcribed accurately. However, where less than the allowable number characters were used on a line, the font was larger than on lines where most or all of the character spaces were used. Thus, the five total lines of font on the tag looked disproportionate to each other. The international medical symbol peeled off after a few weeks and the "silver" chain tarnished as it was actually copper with a chrome-type plating. I contacted the Go Tags via email and an offer was made to replace the tags due to the peeled medical symbol. The font discrepancy, it was explained, was a problem with the etching machine. No resolution was offered for that or the tarnished "silver" chain. I declined the offer to replace the tags. There was no point in that the medical symbol would simply peel again within a few weeks. I continue to use the tags as they are functional for the basic need and the cost was minimal. I would have been happy, however, to pay a little more for better quality, especially with respect to the tarnished "silver" chain