11 months ago
This group of 10 horrific $#*!es attacks anyone who does not agree with their world view. It's like being asked to swim with pirranhas. Ooh and anyone who has anything less than salutary towardsMolotov Meghan is absolutely a RACIST by definition.
2 years ago
Same group of posters who flame, shred and belittle anyone not chosen for their clique. Stay away. The average IQ for this group is about 27.
3 years ago
I come here before anywhere else. What mainstream news is just getting around to noticing, 9 out of 10 it has been bantered about on GR for months, or in some cases years. Lurk if you please, post if you dare. Say whatever else you want about this site, but the smartest and snarkiest came from here first.
3 years ago
It's overly-dramatic, lots of self-important bullies, emboldened by their clique, who all rush in to support their friend being a bully to the people they don't like.
Except this is real life, the bullies are middle-aged women, the Mods are supportive of the bullies, none of them ever grow up, have an epiphany, or change their behavior, and it's all happening over gossip.
3 years ago
This board has the worst mods on the internet. It claims to be a gossip board, but you aren't allowed to have an opinion that differs from the mods or their friends. If you do, you get harassed until you leave or get banned.
6 years ago
This site contains the worst forum moderators I have ever encountered. Smarmy, oily and vain and extremely cliquish mods, and some of their members are just as bad. As one person mentioned, if you don't fit in or watch your words, one or more of those mods or members is bound to take offence and you'll be banned. Clearly, most of the people who belong to this forum have an inflated and delusion opinion of themselves. The site should be called "GossipRocksSucks".
6 years ago
The site is fine if you are "in" with the posters who are considered the "cool" crowd but God forbid if you aren't a member of the clique and express an opinion different from the majority – you are pretty much bullied mercilessly unless you are one of the protected members.It is very difficult to fit in unless you adopt the views of the majority (no matter what your true views are).
I lurk at the site more than post because they do have a lot of good celebrity photos and interesting celebrity gossip, but beware of posting unless you are one of the "chosen" members.
Whenever I post/posted on there I never felt I could say what I really wanted less I get bullied for my views.It is very, very high-school-like. The overwhelming majority of the posters are middle-aged women and they act like they are still in high-school.
There are good posters and some informative topics but you have to wade through a lot of bad to get to the good.
7 years ago
I find the members and mods to be extremely unpleasant for the most part. I've since found alternate sites to get my fix of gossip, and I don't have to put up with juvenile cat fights on Gossip Rocks.
7 years ago
Just checked out this site – people there have some kind of weird obsession with Leann Rimes. They try to justify their obsessions as simple snark but they actually fixate on every detail about this d-list celebrity's life. Don't understand why they think Rimes is so interesting considering she hasn't been relevant in years – seems like the posters are a bit (or a lot) crazy.
I would avoid this site unless you are a big Leann Rimes fan/stan. Or maybe if you're obsessed with Carrie Underwood or someone like that and want to recreate the old Britney/Xtina debates with Underwood/Rimes (though Rimes is not relevant enough for that so why bother).
Also looks like the posters are all older – middle aged or above.
7 years ago
Extremely unwelcoming & cliquish, members infractioned & banned for reasons never listed in the forum's rules & regs. If you have less than 500+ posts, get ready for rudeness and hazing beyond belief. Mod Twitchy2.0 is a royal c—t (if he had one), misery rules this site. WHY BOTHER?!
7 years ago
Cliquish. Small group of posters attack others or fun. Unwelcoming. Differences in opinion are not tolerated. Badly moderated. There seems to be no rules.
8 years ago
The board is owned and run by a gay guy so all things gay especially the posters are welcome, anything perceived as a slur is a no no and your slapped on the wrist or banned. Note Christians need not apply and if your not a uber liberal your toast.
9 years ago
I love this site so much!!! Almost everyone on it is so funny! There are a few posters who make me want to smack them in the face, but not many. It's fun to point and laugh though 🙂
9 years ago
Full of cliques, personal attacks and fat,post-menopausal b!tches. They mock and judge everyone and everything except themselves. Hypocrites, lots of them. Stay away from this site.
9 years ago
awful. the posters are cliquey and the regulars have an overinflated view of their collective wit. about five regular posters are just mean to others for the superiority boner it gives them. moderators are afraid of offending the $#*!s who they perceive to be the cools kids. don't bother joining.
10 years ago
This site has taught me many things, such as the joy of LolCats, the horror of Two Girls One Cup, and how gay Tom Cruise and John Travolta are.
10 years ago
Best members ever, weed out trolls fast so we can have fun on the site.
10 years ago
This site gave me the large internet postcount wang I enjoy today.
10 years ago
This is an awesome site for gossip and all topics in popular culture. The people there are knowledgeable and come from varying backgrounds, which makes the discussions lively and balanced. All thumbs up.
10 years ago
Love this website, srcew H8RZ!! If you can't take the proverbial heat get the heck outta the kitchen fooz!
10 years ago
I love Gossip Rocks. It is the first site I go to for celeb gossip. I usually end up laughing my butt off, there are some hilarious posters.
10 years ago
Awesome site! Very current, fun, exciting! Alot of very snarky members but all in good fun! If you're looking for celeb gossip, Gossip Rocks is IT!
10 years ago
MikeSandy and Dana got banned for repeatedly fighting with other members. It says a lot about them that they can't just let it go.
10 years ago
This is a great site for celebrity gossip. The members are so welcoming and do a great job of pulling in information from many sources. There are some long time posters but they are very welcoming to those who follow the rules and are capable of an intelligent exchange. They are quick to spot trolls and $#*! stirrers and toss them out the door. That is great for maintaining the integrity of the board.
10 years ago
I didn't really fit in with most of the other posters there. I simply didn't fit in with them. Also, if you're a free-thinking person you really need to watch what you say if you express out an opinion that's controversial. Most of the posters there are pretty rude and act superior to you since they're there longer than you are. It's an oligarchy there, not a democracy and that's the problem.