
2 months ago

The goodwill has problems with there supervisors in charge lack of training in Vancouver WA there was a supervisor at promoted his mom to lead over cashier's went around all the ones at was in line for job and there was some quit other employees are being harassed so goodwill said that was against their policy that was favoritism so they moved that supervisor to Portland now the mom of the other supervisor is harassing the other employees because her son got transferred to Portland that was Goodwill's answer to solve the problem but now she's going around harassing other employees saying they're going to be sorry he's gone and she threatened one of the other cash register people call her a $#*! Goodwill has no brains at all on what they're thinking on problems so if you try to call Goodwill and complain about anything all you get is a record so that's why I am posting it because Goodwill ignores problems in their stores, there a every bad company for training employees at's supervisors


3 months ago

Goodwill stores are horrible places to shop. They get everything for free, then charge high prices. They do not encourage mask wearing. There is no social distancing. Workers are not protected. Managers reward lower management who are rude and lazy.


1 year ago

Inflated shipping and handling cost and now in top are charging sales taxes , without previous announcement to the fact. Half of the time don't tell u that the item is damage and worthless …


1 year ago

The GW workers seem nice enough, however nice doesn't get you a nice instrument.
I have purchased way more instruments (guitars and amps) than I should have.
Being a retired pro and knowing something about what I was buying,
I guess I was feeling lucky…wrong. I have tried to help GW by requesting more accurate descriptions about the instruments, even suggested what angles to take photos at so everyone may see the instrument in a better light (that fell on deaf ears). And I couldn't believe the idiots that bid so high on an instrument when the same instrument could be purchased on another website that has a much better description and better images for less money….is that the true meaning of lame or is it something else? Buyer be aware, even if you are feeling lucky.


2 years ago

Here is what I got today in my message from GW…..I wanted them to take the back cover off the takes a quarter to insert it in the screw and turn it…that is it…and this is the answer I got when I asked them to do this.

"Thank you for your message. The battery case is closed with a screw. We do not dismantle items that have a secured cover.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message us again.
Batteries can be in this radio, and burst and corrode and destroy the radio, BUT THEY will not open the back up to see………


3 years ago

Awesome deals great selection, great accurate description of used items. Sometimes you get outbid. I have been shopping, bidding for years probably since 2008. No complaints.


4 years ago

I go to goodwill in lebanon, hermatage, donalson, mt juliet, nashville, and hendersonville tn. quite often, the product is used, so your taking a chance, you can get some good deals, and some not so good deals, i feel it's better paying a little for an expensive use product, that last forever, then paying for a cheap new product that last a month, clean bathrooms, lots of parking, and the people working there are very nice


6 years ago

I have a local Goodwill I go to and I love checking their site.

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