1 year ago
I am a disabled veteran. I was sold a solar system that was meant to replace my power bill with a lower monthly solar bill only. After 4 months the company finally began construction. The problems began as the power bills continued to come. Several months in they told me it may take a few months for the system to be active and begin counting the energy credits. Nearly a year later my power bill was still just over 200 dollars a month. The company dodged my calls for the longest time. Next I hired and independent contractor to help me discover the problem. The independent company explained it was far to small of a system for this house. I brought this to the company and they said they fulfilled the contract specifications and would not fullfill the promise of a zero net bill. Now I have a 45,000 dollar solar system and over $200 a month power bill in the summer time. I am very unhappy with Goldin Solar for taking advantage of my lack of understanding technical contracts. If you do business with these people please get a lawyer first to review every part of the deal. Don't end up like me with a power bill payment and a solar payment for the next 20 years.