
2 years ago

It's time to share my opinion about Juno bad service , the drivers choose the trip, they make me wait and if I do not walk to the point they decide, they cancel the trip and the wait restarts, or they do it because if I cancels they charge me the travel anyway, so it is from that moment my time to rescue the money that is deducted from my credit card, this vicious cycle is produced in complicity with the company.

I do not have to explain why I request a service at a certain point, but if I request it is the responsibility of the company to provide it and if it does not compensate me for the inconvenience caused, every time I request a service from West 43th street, between 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue, is a block with no restrictions what o ever to parking there or pick up customers, all the yellow taxis and others companies got here to pick up passengers, Juno's drivers are the only ones do not come to the pickup point , they call from 8th Avenue corner and asked me to walk at midnight , with rain and cold, they are available and do not want to work. They believe because I called them they have the control of my time and the power to waste my time.

No matter how many emails of apology or reimbursement of money this process involves, it is my money and my time not that of the company or the drivers.

In the message on April 26 the customer service representative of Juno blames the Google maps, because the drivers did not come to the requested location, this is ridiculous and lies, one did it two weeks ago, and I send them special thanks, for that.

We are talking about Times Square the heart of the city known throughout the world, so the drivers in all of these years worked with the wrong map and nobody complained, Juno doesn't make statistics of travel lost? how inefficient, it shows me that Juno company and their drivers are ineffective and should not have continued to ask for their services.

Juno company did not take the responsibility instead decide to blame others, such as Google map and underestimate me, and tell me that all these years their drivers worked the wrong maps from Google , and who has the responsibility to check the maps of their drivers? Their drivers use the phone that Juno company give it to them, include the maps.

Second unacceptable situation is about the itinerary of the trip, Juno's drivers tried to negotiate the destination , en several occasion the driver tried to drop me off at the corner o block away to my destination, again if a requested a car door to door, is a reason for that, so the trip is interrupt all the time with negotiation about pick up point, destination and to have quiet environment in my trip, if I want all these trouble I will take a subway or a public transportation company.

I called a lot to customer services for this problem and their representatives did not give it a solution, as with the music issues, I always have to tell these drivers to turn off the music, why I have to listen to a music that I do not choose?

Juno services it close to my end. From now on every opportunity I have to recommend a car services , I will recommend other companies , I want to be sure that another people are not get abused by Juno drivers.

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