2 years ago
I thought god loved all of his creations, what the $#*! happened to that $#*!.The bible also says that eating shrimp and wearing 2 different materials at the same time is a sin, all these $#*!es have sinned, lmao. The website celebrates the DEATHS of soldiers who gave their lives to america. These people only want attention, sadly, god isn't paying attention to these idiots. Google needs to ban this website and splash it with some holy water.
3 years ago
Everyone was really welcoming, but I don't understand why anyone would want to greet people with pitchforks and Tiki torches. When I professed my love for the priest, they splashed water on me in congratulations. Although it stung a bit, it was refreshing. I gave the priest a gay lap dance and he complimented me on my satanic qualities. All in all, it was a great experience and I recommend any of the Devil's servants to visit.
3 years ago
These idiots celebrate the deaths of soldiers who risked their lives for other people's freedom when they have done absolutely nothing except spread hatred and bs wherever they protest. Disgraceful and ungrateful bastards.
3 years ago
This is one heluva of a hate site if I've ever seen one– this is worse than the jesus-is-savior.com website. And that's sayin' something!
Westboro Baptist Church owes EVERYONE (especially God) a jumbo-sized apology, but since they won't, I'll apologize for them: GOD DOES NOT HATE THE LGBT COMMUNITY, OR ANYBODY FOR THAT MATTER! I AM VERY, VERY SORRY FOR WHAT THIS HATEFUL WEBSITE SAYS. NONE OF WHAT THEY SAY IS TRUE OR RIGHT.
I pray for those at Westboro Baptist, that God would give them hearts of flesh and love.
Avoid this cruddy, hateful website like the plague!!
(P.S., Here is a really good article about WBC): https://www.gotquestions.org/Westboro-Baptist-Church.html
3 years ago
Organised hate, racial and religious intolerance
4 years ago
They use the old testament to hate people. The new testament does not say any of the things they say. Basically Jesus tells Christians to not be like the world, but don't hate or judge. Jesus tells his disciples to pray for everyone, love everyone and do not judge lest ye be judged….since you are not perfect either. I am paraphrasing here. but, that is the gist of what Jesus taught. I think Christians would do well to pray for themselves to have a heart like Jesus
4 years ago
One immoral website that is not satire.
4 years ago
This is the website of the Westboro Baptist Church, whose opinions are known to be extremist and hateful.
4 years ago
Awesome site. Butthurt libtards tho misreview this site cause they love Fags
5 years ago
You're all f***ing stupid.
This site is "safe."
You know what a NOT safe site is?
38zu.cn magic4you.nu youareanidiot.org (you should visit that one, it describes you all :^)) luminati.io
You know what a TOTALLY safe site is?
stormfront.org godhatesfags.com meatspin.fr meatspin.com goatse.info kkkknights.com godhatesfurries.com goatse.cx
Learn your sh** or lean how to properly use WOT!
6 years ago
Site is very hateful against gay rights. Don't visit this site.
7 years ago
They are a massive hate group and they make Christians look like the most cruelest creatures in the universe.
7 years ago
Pretty much a hate website targeted to homosexual people. In fact, there's so much hate that it can even be shocking.
7 years ago
people get real upset when you point out thier perversions..ie gay..oh well thats tough,they know what thier doing is wrong but they love thier sin and not God,the site was very interesting and had some good songs for download. 5 stars
8 years ago
idk why poeple pretend to be fake and accept gays…noone does…but as for the site..its clean and no spam thing around…please stick to the security of the site not commenting what you think about these moronic people…the site is clean.
8 years ago
This site belongs to an anti-gay hate group posing as a church. The site is UNFIT for viewing by younger children (under 16). The site doesn't appear to have any malicious software (malware), so the privacy rating deserves to be higher. The other ratings definitely deserve their red circles!
8 years ago
Homophobic site.
8 years ago
The site is safe, but the people are crazy. I actually think it's great that people have rated it poorly, because it might keep people from supporting these psychos.
8 years ago
"People who can't read self-righteously quoting religious texts" – Brian, family guy.
8 years ago
Whether or not you agree with the WBC, this site is not dangerous. It contains no bugs or viruses and will not harm your computer in any way. It is a good representation of the views of the WBC. This said, this is likely not a site you want your children on. The ideas propagated by the WBC are quite questionable and represent only one of many viewpoints. However, it is important to stress that WHILE THIS SITE MAY BE NOT BE "FAMILY FRIENDLY," IT WILL NOT HARM YOUR COMPUTER.
8 years ago
Obviously, the website is full of hate and proclaims "Gods" hatred. That's not hard to figure. What concerns me is how so many WOT users are making up false ratings to compound their dislike of websites, including lies about hazards to privacy, vendor reliability, and trustworthiness. Consequently, the ratings are not for "truth".
Declare your contempt that the content is "hateful and questionable" if you wish, as though that isn't entirely obvious, but please don't be so reactive with counter-hatred as to tell lies about what isn't dangerous about the website.
You can completely trust "WBC" to have consistent messages of hate or to be reliable as a vendor of hateful messages, I and my security software find no threat to privacy or computer safety either. So please quite ruining the common trust in WOT by lying about sites that you don't like. In short, be "Truthful", no matter what.
8 years ago
This site is "safe". It doesn't have explicit language or graphics. It has hate speech that is based from the Bible. All Christians, who actually read the Bible, know that what they are preaching is true.
However, most Christians are smart enough to know their religion is kind of wacky (Christians don't kill their non-christian friends or children, Christians don't kill homosexuals, Christians don't shun people of other religions – all this is commanded in the bible and new testament).
Anyways, defiantly a hate filled website.
9 years ago
Yes, it may be crude and offensive, but Americans need to remember that Freedom of Speech is a two way street.
9 years ago
These poor misguided parish members have been taken in by a false prophet, in fact anyone who believes any of the ancient hoodoo and voodoo from book's written a few thousand years ago, are just plain stupid and deserve to be sucked in by this a hole. Sorry, no one should be taught these hateful things.If you read these texts today you can see the reason behind them, and the control they wielded from fear. We can look deep into space today and see how HUGE the whole universe is. It is stupid and sad to think or believe any of it when it is so wrong, just start with genesis and you can see the problem. People did not know that you can't have light or vegetation without the sun, hence why it is written just that way, god created both before the sun and moon. Well without the sun there is no light, but who really knew about light photons way back then. and to think photosynthesis with NO sun light? I would love to see someone pull that off. Point is, it is full of provable mistakes, which I find strange seeing it was inspired and written, through devine intervention, by a perfect god, no it was written for man by man. come to grips people we are better than this. Check out, Why God wont heal amputees, for more fun fact.
9 years ago
They have a right to exercise free-speech and promote they're views; That does not make the site untrustworthy. However, it is extremely hateful and controversial and children should not be exposed to any of it.