
7 years ago

They say be all you can be, but don't get injured or you will be treated like trash! Hope if you join they treat you better then they treated me and my family! After being discharged without a medical board and being misdiagnosed on active duty US Army, I was sent home injured with a cast and my civilian job refused to take me back! Due to all of the wrong medical treatment on active duty, which caused my injuries to become worst, my prognosis for the future is that my injures will only get worst! Was it worth my life, my livelihood, my family, my home? NO!!!…. Due to being unable to work with no medical insurance to get the cast removed I was stuck with the cast a month longer then I should have! I lost my only daughter as a result of not having a income, lost my home and ended up homeless, thanks to the US Army!!! If you join just remember one thing you might end up like me! I am not alone as other people who were in active duty have been made homeless as a result of the stupidity of others in the military who are supposed to have your best interest at heart! Now homeless still, without a home, thanks to the US Army and without my daughter, oh did I mention, being unable to work for life! Thanks to the US Army I also developed two incurable illnesses that they will not take responsibility for! I got a lousy 30% less than what I get from Social Security and ever year get deeper in debt thanks to the VA not helping me for over 1 1/2 years to date! JOY! My self and other veterans are being discriminated in the VA ignoring our appeals. My appeal is to get a primary care doctor. My previous doctor was medically neglected! The joys of being a veteran! The recruiters paint a pretty picture, but the reality is you may end up unable to work and homeless with the rest of us! I really hope that does not happen, but until the government actually does something to prevent it, well there is always the possibility! By the way Chronic Pain is a living Hel….!!!! Ultimately it is your choice to sign on the dotted line and once you do you but is theirs! Warmest Regards no matter what you choose! I just wanted you to know what you may be getting yourself in for! Oh, you can die if you drink too much water; remember that, idiots in the US Army forget that, among other things! I have seen some malicious things while on active duty, like a soldier forced to drink a 2 liter of Coke while doing front back go and eating two cans of Skol (Skol is chewing tobacco)! I witnessed this type of malicious ridiculousness! If you join know all of your rights, understand the UCMJ inside and out, you will understand why when you are in! This will protect you! Do not let them break your profile as they did with so many people I saw! When you are in the military you are government property and as such they should not cause you injury as they did soldiers and me! The best thing I can tell you is never get injured or you will be treated poorly by others in the Army! I was made fun of my injuries regularly. I was happy to see one of the ones doing this got injured, I told him not to make fun and I think he learned his lesson after I told him and he got injured two weeks later! I told him he was next and I knew he was, he needed to know what it was like on the other side so he would not make fun anymore! Well I wish you all the best!
Being in the U.S. Army their is discrimination of education and sex (for women). You get treated better with a college degree and you are not allowed to associate with enlisted soldiers as that is considered fraternization! By the way they will tell you the only way you are allowed to have sex (Missionary position), this is not widely known outside of the military, that is the general population does not usually know this. They are now advertising misleading and for me very untruthful stuff about how the U.S. Army Reserve can further your career. It ended all of my careers and made me crippled/ disabled, homeless, permanently ill, and unable to work for an employer for the rest of my life. I was told by Dept. of Rehabilitation I can not work at all! They tear you down & never build you up! By the way the US Army has been compared to prison! I knew a person who has experienced both prison and the military (U.S. Army) and he said to me that their is NO DIFFERENCE! You are told what to do and how to do it in both places and you will have to protect yourself (from people trying to kill you) in both places!
I got punished for doing an excellent job, 4 days lock down and that was on a holiday weekend (Valentine's Day)! Misdiagnosed on active duty which caused additional injuries! Oh, I forgot to mention my life was also threatened by another solider as I was told that they were going to kill me. We are trained to kill other humans so when anyone states that to you you do take that seriously and they are not kidding! If you are a women sexual harassment is a consistent thing in the U.S. Army. If you say something you will be ostracized! I know exactly what that was like as I was ostracized and all alone! Women besides the enemy beware of our men and I have found that the married men are usually worst then the single men, as I was kidnapped on active duty by a soldier on our side, he carried me into the laundry room where I thought he might rape me. He touched me all over and kept kissing me, I was so terrified and have nightmares still of the whole ordeal and being in the military (U.S. Army). I did finally get him to stop, but it was not easy! If you are not used to physically fighting you will as if you do not do that you will get beaten up! They will not teach you how to fight! I am glad that at least I had some martial arts classes before I joined! Women you might as well get used to swearing as you will hear a lot of it in the military!
My personal information as I was told by the VA was compromised, as I found out when I received a letter stating this. In the news it was stated that an employee took a laptop with numerous personal information in it, I was one of those veterans!


7 years ago

US Army official website. Safe.


10 years ago

Official site for enlisting into the U.S. army. The site includes informative material about applying and the experiences the soldiers serve, under their various projects.


10 years ago

"Phishing or other scams"??? Ok that's it .. I now know for sure that wot has no relevance whatsoever and this site is all smoke and mirrors. I am outta here!!!


12 years ago

Official U.S. Army site.

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