
2 years ago

Back in 2015 if anyone had asked me if I would like to spend $40 on a lottery ticket, I would have said "No thank you!" This is essentially what this company is asking consumers to do. Customers who order a kit to grow mushrooms are sent a bag of dirt (that supposedly contains mushroom spores) and a set of instructions. After following the instructions for three years, I still have no mushrooms. The company has accused me of not following directions and not waiting long enough and will not refund my money. They say that the spores were capable of producing mushrooms and that it is my fault if they did not. I say that I did everything they said to do and I cannot do anymore than that. I also pointed out that numerous other types of mushrooms grow naturally in my yard, so why don't these? especially with all the composting, watering, and tilling I have done? They called me a liar on the BBB website where I filed a complaint. They are horrible people as far as I can see. They have no integrity and have no manners or decency. If you would like to gamble your hard-earned money away, I would suggest at least sending it to nice, kind people– not these guys.

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