9 months ago
The site has had multiple security breaches that resulted in the loss of 2 of my email accounts. Those accounts were connected with services I paid for and thus lost my money on. GMX is riddled with obnoxious ads. GMX faq and "help center" do not help. GMX platform is awkward, at best. I have used GMX for years out of habit, it is the worst of email services. Its not even worth being free.
11 months ago
I've been trying to send an inquiry, but their contact page does not accept the form and there doesn't appear to be any other way to contact them. GRRR
1 year ago
My mother is once again having trouble with gmx. She cant log in using her correct password. So I checked how to reset it and wanted to use my account to test it.
Right now you only get a page with a 5 Euro a call hotline. There is no option to send it to an alternate email or my mobile phone anymore. The help says otherwise but my 4 different browsers, I tested it with, offer me no alternative.
1 year ago
Can't get at my email, service down, no explanation, maybe time for a new email provider.
1 year ago
I've had so many issues with this server. The latest is that there is a 'temporary error' and I can't login to my account and the form they provide to fill in to let them know about the issue doesn't send (I've tried on two different browsers). There appears to be no mechanism to request a new password with a backup account meaning that I am now locked out of the email account I use for work indefinitely and all I can do is hope and pray that this random technical issue will right itself. In the past I've also had phrases where they oblige me to change my password every few days due to 'unusual activity' or whatever (there was never any usual activity)- as a result I now don't remember which password I used because I ran through so many I had to start writing the same one with random numbers added on.
Also the search function isn't very good.
Pros: I much prefer the layout to google emails.
1 year ago
The best mail service all time!
I'm using GMX (Premium) for over 15 years now and I never had any problems.
Sure, there are no "fancy features" and the 2-factor authentication could have come a few years earlier…
But I love GMX because there is no overload of functions and features. Decent, minimalistic mailservice.
I can only recommend it!
1 year ago
guter email dienst
1 year ago
They close your account just like鈥?br />
They close your account just like that… and you have no option to unblock it. Thats very kind answer from them –
We have forwarded your request to unblock your account to our security department and it was determined that the account in question will remain blocked.
Please note that this is a decision made by our abuse department and we do not have further information we can provide to you.
Never again GMX – never ever…
1 year ago
This is the second time I have received an email from aka gmx saying I am on a blacklist and I am not.
Worse they do not give you a way to reply to them and resolve the issue….
I am glad I do not use them and never will.
1 year ago
From nothing my account was blocked , i ask the reason , ariived the answer ur account will continue blocked , just ridiculous , i do not give any reason for this block , worst im working with GMX. mail, and loose all my email from all costumers
before you open account GMX be careful they blocked without any reason , what happens to me loose all my email contacts from buyer can happens to all
1 year ago
Ich bin schon etliche Jahre Kunde mit ProMail. Inzwischen habe ich noch weitere Abo's und auch ein erstklassiger Cleaner (SystemMechanic) ist dabei. Klar, es gibt billigere Anbieter, aber garantiert keine besseren. Die paar Euros im Monat ist es mir wert. Das kostenlose GMX ist auch nicht schlechter als andere kostenlose Mail-Provider. W眉rde ich pers枚nlich aber nicht empfehlen, auch kein anderes. Was ich pers枚nlich bei ProMail besonders gut finde…man hat die Auswahl aus wirklich einmaligen Mail-Adressen. Gel盲chter garantiert. 🙂
2 years ago
just delete ur trash acc u have in this trash sie. it unserious trash losers who want to fk u up! when you see .de you should be considered. even china politics is better than trash braindead eu lawas
2 years ago
Guter Anbieter. Leider wird aber f眉r heutige Standards, wie z.B. IMAP Geld verlangt, die man bei anderen kostenlos bekommt.
2 years ago
The WORST email provider online.
One day you will find you cannot login to your account because of a "Wrong Password"
You will also not be able to reset your password.
The truth is GMX disabled your account and will not reopen it.
All emails to staff is a waste of time because they say that you must use the password reset function(which never sends the password reset email token) is a better reliable service.
2 years ago
They will DISABLE your account without telling you the reason.
One day you will receive a message "Wrong Password" and from that point you will not be able to acccess your account.
The password you use is most likely correct, but they use this method to disable your account and tell you that they cannot access the email if you do not have the password.
AVOID this company if you want to be able to read your emails. or is a better alternative.
3 years ago
got bills for services I never asked for – contacting a laywer now…
4 years ago
This free-mail provider has problems that remain unaddressed:
5 years ago
deutscher Anbieter mit entsprechender Sicherheit
5 years ago
Freeemail Super Seite! Super Service!
5 years ago
Anbieter von kostenfreien email Adressen. Unbedingt die Werbemails deaktivieren!
5 years ago
1)Geburtstaggeschenk: Premiummitgliedschaft f眉r 3Monate, einfach bei Klick aktivierbar, jedoch nur 眉ber Fax oder Post k眉ndbar.
2)Meldete einige Tage jeden Besucher mit Werbeblocker wie Adblock oder Adblock Plus das potentiell unerw眉nschte Software gefunden wurde.
3)Hat bei der Mobilversion kein g眉ltiges Sicherheitszertifikat.
4)Einloggseite ist 眉berf眉llt, was bei langsamen Internetverbindungen ein Problem sein kann.
5)Schreibt dauernd einen monatlichen GMX-Newsletter den (praktisch) keinen interessiert und den man nur schwer abblocken kann.
6 years ago
Good site and i trust this website
6 years ago
Wenn in China ein Sack Reis umf盲llt, erfahrt ihr es hier!
Und zwar ob ihr wollt oder nicht!
6 years ago
nervige Werbung und pop-ups bzw. Installationsaufforderungen.
6 years ago
Ein guter und zuverl盲ssiger, kostenloser Webmail-Anbieter, der einem alles bietet, was man ben枚tigt. Einziger Nachteil: man erh盲lt quasi jeden Tag eine andere Werbe-Email von GMX selber. Mal ist es der w枚chentliche Newsletter, dann eine Kauf-Empfehlung, dann ein neues Feature, das vorgestellt werden soll, dann eine Sonderaktion, dann ein Spendenaufruf, ein Vorteilsabo, ein Gewinnspiel… fast jeden Tag hat man mind. eine E-Mail von GMX im Postfach – inhaltlich ebenso unwichtig wie nicht abbestellbar. Der Kundenservice ist allerdings extrem schlecht. Die FAQ sind nur f眉r die einfachen Fragen n眉tzlich, sobald man echte Probleme hat, m眉sste man sich telefonisch an den Support wenden – und der kostet 4 Euro.