Get Out Of Debt Guy

2 years ago

UPDATE # 3 – Aug. 17th.

After I read this goodg guys latest reply I realized how Comical this whole thing is. It's gotten so over-blown with extraneous garbage I thought maybe I should just delete all but the original review, but instead decided to leave it for your entertainment. ( 汀^ 蜏蕱 ^)

I applaud Mr Goodg for his apparent desire to continue (on & on) spin-doctoring the real truth..camouflage for his desire to continue swindling people..but it's a doomed effort. The truth is here for people to see, and all this spin-doctoring only makes the falsehoods more apparent.

In his latest effort (below) the goodg claims, "I have no control over the ads that appear (on His site)," and then proceeds to blame Google! Is that a joke? Because there the thing IS! One of the most prominent features on his first page.. the Bank ad for his admitted #1 sponsor, with the big 5 Star TrustPiolet logo on it. It's so prominent in fact the entire page design is arranged to deceive people into thinking that it's His five star rating; while here he is trying to tell us He didn't accept that ad, He didn't put it there, Google did! Then makes a liar out of himself by saying he has no knowledge of it, and can't find it! He even asks for directions to obvious ploy..when I have already, very plainly, given that in my review so you readers can see this for yourselves….Because TrustPiolet is a sorry excuse for a review site that SELLS their customers the ability to alter their apparent review status. See my review here for the rest of the bad news on them.

So we get all these bogus disclaimers and transparent lies; then for his "proof" he offers Apples & Oranges! First a url to google's newest Ads feature, with a title that ends in, "Placement-and-Monetization-Choices." There, that means Choices Google's customers make, i.e. His, the goodg's choices. Then he follows this with a (one More) disclaimer that YOU should use caution, when he's talking about His Own Site! Well I would certainly take That advice.

This is followed by one of the biggest laughs in this whole thing. Referring back to the Bank ad (above), he states, This does "NOT" constitute an endorsement, of the bank..his admitted #1 Sponsor. Is that Back Peddling or what! The guy's squirming like an eel here. Now, because of this review, he begins to disclaim even his association with this bank (With their ad the most prominent thing on his front page), which anyone can understand now that they've been exposed.

Not to lose sight of the original intention of this review, I remind readers that this is a bank this site, "get out of debt dot com," sends people to (to buy consolidation loans) with his "Free Consultations" for the kick-back money. Notice that even tho he claims to have no association with this bank whatsoever, a patient lie, he never once denies he sends them customers, or that he makes money for doing so. (and where do You think he makes his money?) Instead his entire first all of it..boils down to apples and oranges comparisons, and a disclaimer..both designed to be obfuscation.

Comically (as well) his next statement is that he, "followed the advice from Sitejabber" (misspelling it in the process), when in truth he did the exact opposite. They warn (here) "Responding to bad reviews may open a can of worms better left alone," ( 蕱摊 ) But, obvious glutton for punishment that he is, he hard charges ahead anyway, and with nothing more than repeats (over and over!) of how he wants people, "to be presented with a different point of view," which is of course his own.

Well there you have it!

All in all then this leaves the original review as the only meaningful piece in this, but do enjoy the comedy as well.

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