I contacted Carlsberg and informed them of this. They denied that there was an issue and they had no knowoledge of the problem. I immediately contacted a local Publican who confirmed that indeed there was a problem with their cans. They had been informed by their delivery supplier of the issue and told to be careful handling the product. Despite informing Carlsberg of this they apparently know nothing.
They eventually wanted the cans back to check them which would be fair enough except that would remove any evidence whatsoever. Rather strangely they informed me that they do not want the leaked beer back, does anybody hold onto a can that has leaked – that seems incredibly odd to say the least. What made this more suspicious is that they want the name of the Publican I talked to….why? so you can manipulate and pressure them into saying absolutely nothing.
There is an issue with the quality of their product, They resort to denial and damage limitation. They had to change their beer despite claiming it was ''probably the best in he world''. mmm must have been a lie. Now, they are again propelling the myth that all is well and nothing to see here, guess what there is a lot to see and investigaate in Carlsberg. What is happening in their manufacturing plant? since the rebranding process their beer is leaking out of the cans they use. Sort out your quality control and stop misleading loyal customers with blatant and downright lies about quality issues.