5 years ago
Good guide on how to play The Sims 3. I recommend it.
9 years ago
A site for various guides relating to the Sims 3 game, highly recommended.
10 years ago
This site will walk you through sims 3 cheats, careers and how to make a successful sim. It basically answers any questions you might have about your game. One thing I like is that it tells you the different phases of a career, how much money you will make at each stage, and what you will need for career advancement. Then, you can pick what career you really want your sim to have. They also tell you what traits are helpful for being successful in a specific career. With Sims 3 Ambitions expansion pack, I found it very helpful reading about the different careers, and just where you go to get the career, and how to make the sim perform the career. Great site!