But, in the very, very small print — several pages inside that website — you are told that you have to pay $69.95 (I believe it was monthly) for that service and an additional (estimate) $29.? for an additional something that you never get. I wrote to the people after being charged the $69.95, disputed it with my bank, cancelled everything and cancelled/changed my card number. Guess what? I immediately started getting 400-700 (yes, that's right) spam emails in my email account Everyday! Gee, I wonder who could be responsible for that?
Now, I get a letter from my bank saying that this company is disputing the $69.95 charge back because they charged my account legitimately. This goes on and on and on and never seems to end with these unethical thieves.
WARNING!! BEWARE!! Stay away from these sites:
Grant Approval Network: https://grantmoney.secureorderhub.com/?affiliateid=2590&cid=991&sub_affiliateid=52536
Grant Funding Express: https://www.secureservercenter.com/gfe/secure/mw/index.php?subid=15031&FiliAff=15031
Grant Stimulus Source: https://secure.securesiteorders.com/grants/1231/100/index1104-1-2.html?subid=221086&subid2=514552&hitid=627133380