
9 years ago

Another golf club counterfeit site. never buy clubs from any other website then from the vendor itself. It is just too risky to waste $200-$300 for a $600 iron set then to just save up the extra a buy the real thing. We need to stop giving these counterfeiters money.


10 years ago

The site is a complete COUNTERFEIT and FRAUD operation. I just lost $150.00 because I didn't do my homework on the company and was sucked in by the lower prices. I ordered a 2008 Taylormade Burner driver, received it 2 weeks later, then took it to an authorized dealer and had them look at it. Low and behold it was a knockoff. So, I have been doing some looking around and reading today and have learned there is a LARGE market in the counterfeiting of golf clubs coming from China (bastards). Please take caution and check the manufacturers website or call them for a list of authorized dealers and internet merchants. Save yourself some money by checking up on these companies before purchasing from them, cause sometimes you save money by spending a few more rather than seeking that ultimate low price. I did go and purchase the real deal today after finding out my internet bought one was fake and only spent $10 more than the internet purchase. So now I own a $160 driver that cost me $310 plus the inconvenience and headache of it all. Once again GOLFDISCOUNTNOW IS A COUNTERFEITING FRAUD SCAM…… AVOID AVOID AVOID………


11 years ago

There aren't any phone numbers to contact. The "company" email is through hotmail. I am afraid their clubs are imitation.

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