
3 years ago

These people are a joke. They call you 20 30 times a week when you don't even owe them anything or want anything you tell them to put you on the Do Not Call list they claim they do but they don't they're idiots they got a bunch of foreign idgits working for them. organizations need to be shut down there nothing but harassment which I believe is 90 days in jail of the $500 fine


9 years ago

I visited this site a while back at my work. Because student loans can be a real pain to pay back. Some students fall into default for many reasons. The student may have become ill or hurt there self. Or maybe just lost there job. Most student work part time while attending college. Because the lenders promise ease at paying back the loans, the student may fall into a trap of impossible re-payment on there loans. When a loan falls into the default stage it can accrue interest on a daily basis. The lender does not explain up front about the charges that can be applied if the loan defaults. Usually the promissory note explains this in small print on the back of the note the student sometimes does not see this until it is to late. Once the loan defaults and payments are so far behind, the client then has the right to report this to the student credit report. Then they will usually send it to collection agency for collections. Once the reaches the agency the collector can really damage the students credit report. When pulling the students credit report from Trans Union , Eqifax & Experian This show as an inquiry. These inquires into the students report are viewed for possible resources that the borrower may have to re-pay the loan. Such as credit cards. Because loans are very much like a credit card debt with interest that can continue to accrue until the loan is paid in full. Not to mention the collection fee's that will be added by the collection agency. The collection agency can also take legal action if necessary in some instance. Such as wage garnishment or by suing for a judgement against the student. Once the loan gets to this point the student cannot make payment arrangements with the creditor or collector. The chances of ever paying back a loan up in the thousands is next to impossible. I hope this site may help someone suffering from an over whelming student loan balance. There is a contact number to speak to a representative for live help. They can explain what your options are for the loan forgiveness program. So what do you have to lose except stress on how to make your next loan payment. Check it out, try and remember that the client who lent the money does not want to here a sad story on why or what caused you to default in the first place they just want there money back right away. Sincerely, Lorraine W.

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